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Dorothy Goes Home,
Farewell To Oz

Dorothy And Her Friends

The Wizard is found out

Upon their return the wizard tells Dorothy and her companions, "Go away and come back tomorrow." Thanks to Toto they discover the wizard is not really a wizard at all, just a man behind a curtain. They are outraged at the deception, but the wizard solves their wishes through common sense and a little double talk rather than magic

The Wizard Explains

The wizard explains that he too was born in Kansas and his presence in Oz was the result of an escaped hot-air balloon. He promises to take Dorothy home in the same balloon after leaving the scarecrow, tin man and lion in charge of Emerald City. Just before take off, Toto jumps out of the balloon's basket after a cat. Dorothy jumps out to catch Toto and the wizard, unable to control the balloon, leaves without her


Toto Too!

She is sadly resigned to spend the rest of her life in Oz until Glinda appears and tells her she can use the ruby slippers to return home with Toto. Glinda explains she didn't tell Dorothy at first because she needed to learn "if you can't find your heart's desire in your own backyard, then you never really lost it to begin with." Dorothy and Toto say goodbye to their friends, and Dorothy follows Glinda's instructions to "tap your heels together and repeat the words, There's no place like home"

Click your heels together three times

There's no place like home

She awakens in her bedroom in Kansas surrounded by family and friends and tells them of her journey. Everyone laughs and tells her it was all a bad dream. A happy Dorothy, still convinced the journey was real, hugs Toto and says "There's no place like home"

Home Again


We're off to see the Wizard!